Have You Been Domesticated By Parents, Teachers And Society?

by John McIntyre

What’s the REAL reason you struggle as a copywriter?

Is it procrastination?



Limiting beliefs?

Negative self-talk?


Imposter syndrome?

Not being comfortable with yourself?

Not having a clear path to follow?

Not enough time?

Lack of confidence?

Not enough clients?


The REAL reason you struggle as a copywriter is NOT any of these things.


Because these things are symptoms. Symptoms of a much greater problem. Symptoms of a problem you’ve probably never heard of.

But if you’ve never heard of it, how can you fix it?

Exactly, my young Padawan.

That’s why you continue to procrastinate despite your best efforts not to.

It’s why self-doubt and fear plague you… and it’s why you can’t get rid of imposter syndrome no matter how much you try.

What the F is the real problem?

The REAL problem is your tiger is asleep.

In other words, you’ve been domesticated.

Now, before you write me off as crazy… hear me out.

Did you know that wild tigers don’t get PTSD?

That is…

Wild tigers don’t get stressed out as much as tigers in captivity do. 

Think about how impressive that is.

Wild tigers have to fight for their survival every single damn day.

There’s no zoo keeper to feed them…

…no vet to give them injections when they get sick or attacked by another wild animal…

…and no protection against attacks from other animals or bad weather (floods etc).

So shouldn’t wild tigers be MORE stressed out than tigers in captivity? Shouldn’t they be more likely to get PTSD… not less?


And yet, like I said…

That’s not what happens.

In reality, wild tigers don’t get stressed out as much as tigers in captivity do.

The million dollar question is:


Why are wild tigers more resilient in the face of stress than tigers in captivity? Why are they less likely to get PTSD?

And most importantly, what can we learn from tigers to improve our own ability to handle stress as copywriters?

Because if we can figure that out, procrastination, self-doubt and imposter syndrome will be a thing of the past.

Well, it turns out that there’s some very good reasons why wild tigers are less stressed than tigers in captivity.

According to the latest science, the secret to the wild tigers resilience is in their nervous systems.

In the language of the nervous system, they’re “more regulated”.

In practical terms, this means that wild tigers don’t “carry” stress the way tigers in captivity do.

In fact, it turns out wild tigers are blessed with a nervous system that knows how to process and release stress as it occurs… while tigers in captivity have lost this ability due to the chronic stress that comes with living in a cage.

Well, guess what?

It’s not just tigers who have this ability (whether or not they’ve disconnected from it).

It’s ALL mammals.





And yes, even humans.


Yes, YOU!

YOU have “wild tiger potential” in you.

You’re a mammal just like wild tigers are mammals.

But unlike wild tigers, you’ve lost your ability to handle stress – just like the tigers in captivity.

Your nervous system is dysregulated – just like the tigers in captivity.

You’ve been domesticated.

How did it happen?

Lots of reasons…

Parents who weren’t perfect.

Bullies at school.

Abusive teachers and coaches.

Cultural programming via movies, music and more.

And of course, there’s the chronic stress that comes with living in Western society – a toxic culture that’s disconnected from nature, disconnected from the body and disconnected from feeling.

That’s why you continue to procrastinate despite your best efforts not to.

It’s why self-doubt and fear plague you… and it’s why you can’t get rid of imposter syndrome no matter how much you try.

Your nervous system is dysregulated – just like the tigers in captivity.

It’s all jammed up with gunk from the past and gunk from right now.

The question is…

What are you going to do about it?

Because here’s the good news:

You CAN rewire your nervous system.

You CAN awaken the tiger within.

You CAN turn yourself into a wild animal (and in so doing, reactivate your long-lost abilities of resilience, strength and power).

If you’d like to learn more about this “nervous system thing” as it relates to copywriting, don’t miss my upcoming FREE email course on how to heal your nervous system and “awaken your tiger”.

If you’d like to be notified when this free email course is released, click the link below:

Get ready. I’m going to turn you into a wild animal.

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