Pretty Pages Don’t Sell – Landing Page Review

by John McIntyre

pretty-pages-dont-sell Yesterday, Matt Hooper from TheWPCourse contacted me about a landing page review.

This is his landing page review.

First, I noticed he was using Optimize Press. Ya know, a lot of people use Optimize Press, expecting it to do the heavy lifting for them. It doesn’t. It makes a “pretty page”, that’s it. And in a lot of cases, “pretty pages don’t sell”.

If you’re trying to improve your landing page, don’t buy software. Focus on fundamentals. Read a classic marketing book like Scientific Advertising. Create some good habits, such as writing out top sales letter by hand for an hour each day.

Anyway, onwards to the landing page review!

Top 3 Improvements Matt can make –

#1: Make the site logo smaller.

Currently, “The WordPress Course” is the first thing you see, and the biggest. This is bad. Why? Because people aren’t interested in what the product is called. In fact, they’re not even interested in a product… yet. But I bet that there are a load of people who want to learn WordPress in a single weekend.

I see this a lot. People think that their logo matters. 99% of the time, it doesn’t. Your visitor doesn’t care about your logo. He cares about how you can help him.

So tell him.

My advice to Matt? Remove (or make it smaller) “The WordPress Course”. Present “Learn WordPress In a Single Weekend” as the main focus.

#2: Use “Add To Cart” Instead

Matt’s using “Sign Up Now” as his purchase buttons.

That’s ok. But we want gangbusters.

So what’s the best?

“Add To Cart” consistently gets the most click-throughs.
#3: Add A P.S. (Or Three)

Let’s face it. Most people don’t read sales letters.

Most people scroll straight to the bottom, looking for the price.

So here’s what you do. You put a P.S. that emphasises a really BIG benefit. Maybe you have a killer guarantee. Or an awesome bonus. You can even use a few P.S.’s.

As the visitor scrolls down, he might see your price, but he also might see the P.S. and then he might be excited, because you’re offering a really special bonus, and well, with a 110% Money-Back guarantee, he really can’t say now…

The lesson?

Use a P.S.

Want specific feedback for your own landing page? Click here.

Watch Matt’s Landing Page Review:

3 thoughts on “Pretty Pages Don’t Sell – Landing Page Review”

  1. That’s some super solid content and advice there, John. Those initial changes will all be BIG wins! I can easily see just that advice tripling his conversion rates if they’re applied.


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