How The Strategy Of Preeminence Applies To Email Marketing

by John McIntyre

email marketing strategy The man.

The myth.


Jay Abraham is arguably the most successful business consultant in the world.

He takes struggling businesses and transforms them into profit-laden empires.

And you know what…

There’s no secret to his success.

In fact, he gives out the vast majority of his knowledge for free…


It all comes back to one fundamental ideal:

The Strategy Of Preeminence.

Within this simple theory lies…

A powerful business mindset that will guide you towards…

Higher conversions. Happier clients. And a more rewarding lifestyle.

Got your attention? Read on:

Clients First, (More) Money Second

To vastly condense this theory…

Here’s the general idea:

  1. Authenticity – You no longer have customers, you’ve got clients… and they’re under your protection. Put your clients first, and the money will flow in afterwards.
  2. Value Multiplier, Not ‘Diminisher’ – Your main focus is now on providing crazy value (through whatever medium you choose) to your clients. Solve their problems effectively, and nothing can stand in your way.
  3. Trust & Leadership – Your clients need to have absolute trust for your advice and view you as a market leader. If you look out for clients in bad situations (e.g. they try to purchase a product they don’t need, and you correct them), their respect for you will be more valuable than any lost business.

Essentially, the idea is that when you *absolutely* put clients first…

And take that mindset to the extreme…

It pays massive dividends, in the long-run.

Now, you might be wondering:

“How the hell does this connect back to email marketing?”

The answer: It is the perfect mindset for email marketing.

Send For The Sale

Most marketers are afraid of selling.


Maybe they think “sales” will push their customers away.

Maybe they are afraid of “hard-selling…”

It doesn’t matter.

The harsh-reality is that if you aren’t willing to sell:

You are hurting your customers.

If your product solves a serious pain-point…

Then it is your ethical obligation to direct attention towards your product… and to ‘sell.’

In other words: You need to make sure any person — that will benefit from your product — has the opportunity to do so.

Do you follow?

We’re developing a business where more sales equals more value provided to clients.

Here’s how you do email marketing… the preeminent way:

  • Send emails frequently – You aren’t helping anyone by sending emails every month (or longer). In fact, you’re hurting your relationship with clients, lowering sales, and losing market leadership.
  • Attract & Repel – Your business only helps a specific segment of the market. You want to attract ideal clients AND repel the wrong ones. Be specific, polarizing, and persuasive in your marketing. Did your latest email have lots of unsubscribes…? Good.
  • Continue Following Up – Most purchases occur way after the first contact. People are in different stages of the buying cycle, so it’s your job to keep following up. Don’t be surprised if a significant portion of sales come 90+ days after the initial opt-in.
  • Analyze Results But Be Specific – Use your powerful copywriting skills to attract the ideal audience for your product… but don’t give way to vanity metrics. Preeminent email marketers measure ROI not open rates. (Click To Tweet)

Develop your email marketing around this mindset…

And nothing can stand in your way.

It’s smart marketing. It’s ethical business strategy.

And most of all — it lays the foundation for massive profits, scalable businesses, and priceless client relationships.

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