Episode #123 – David Anderson on How To Become Great At Sales In 3 Days (even if you hate sales)

by John McIntyre

Do you love to sell?

Regardless of how you answer that question,

The fact is that you need to love it..

..because you will be doing a lot for the rest of your life.

David Anderson is a sales pro with experience leading large corporation backed sales teams as well as consulting small entrepreneurs.

Learn how he scaled one entrepreneur’s business from $2k per month to $20k per month in less than 6 months.

David’s here to let you know that you don’t need to be a natural to be a sales pro.

You just need to learn the lingo and gain the right selling mindset.

Listen in to David as he teaches us his 3 step technique to a perfect over-the-phone pitch,

No matter how experienced you are.

He’ll also teach you how to build a systemized process to sell whatever it is you provide.

And how to SCALE.

The magic to what David teaches is that it replicates,

So you can hire a sales team that’s instantly efficient,

Letting you focus on what you want or need to focus on.

Build a ‘what’s in it for me’ attitude that your business can ride to its ultimate success in today’s episode.


In this episode, you’ll discover:

  • the only piece of information you need to attain first, when you get a prospect on the phone for the very first time
  • smart ways to integrate both open and closed ended questions into your script, and when to use them.
  • the perfect way to build up a prospect list to pitch via phone or face to face
  • a referral mindset that makes reaching out to friends and family much better
  • the ‘warm situation’ technique that helps you connect better with any prospect instantly
  • how to come up with a good performance based commission plan to help you scale your sales process

Email Marketing Podcast Episode 1


Intro and outro backing music: Forever More by CREO


Raw transcript:

Download PDF transcript here.

John McIntyre: It’s John McIntyre here, the auto responder guy. I’m here with David Anderson. Now, David is from natural sales. We get in touch I think it was through a mutual friend of guest list. We are going to talk about some real estate sales and chatting almost end up doing business together in a real estate which didn’t come together, but then we chatted about our podcast, now  David the sales guy. He’s a sales gun and today we going to talk about pretty cool stuff like how he took his clients for two … a month over $20,000 a month, in just six months using some selling techniques and will finish up with something about how you can sell better in just three days even if you really had selling. I know a lot of people really headed; now get some quick facts here about David. Twelve years of sales experience that adorable says the forties up minutes; lemonade stands websites, car detailing business before middle school. He became actually the fastest sales … the team captain within six months and corporate a company that actually sold 3.5 billion dollars. So, he’s done some awesome stuff, is also being homeless two times in his life to pursue his passions versus going the standard route, so I think it’s really interesting conversation and we get into some of the sales stuff very simply first, David! How are you doing man?

David Anderson: Good to be here John, I’m doing great man.

John McIntyre: Good to have you on the show man. So, before we get into the specific story about these guys from 2 grand to 20 grand a month, can you give the listener bit more of a background on who you are?

David Anderson: Yes definitely, so you know I’ve always been entrepreneurial since I was a little kid. I was slinging lemonade stands. I created my first website before even hit the fifth grade and I learned how to make money from it and when I was 14 years old you know I remember having this grand idea to start a car washing business with one of my buddies in my neighborhood and the reason why I was thinking of what to work is my stepdad he worked since he was in young age, thirteen years old and you know when I was a kid, I was working, you need to start working. It’s going to teach you good work ethic and just get me this whole you know lecture on why I have to start working while you know here all my friends are playing sports, they are in clubs, they’re doing all this fun stuff, they’re living their childhood, so at that time I couldn’t really get a job being so young. I’m 14 years old, so I decided to come up with a car washing business with my buddy. I tell I stepped like all excited I run over, you know I run home, I said hey I got this idea you know why don’t I just do a car washing business and you know … might my friend here in the neighborhood will just start washing cars. Well, he immediately slapped down that idea and escape me this whole spiel about a you can’t do partners, they don’t work you have to depend on yourself and I’m completely shattered and took it up a notch. He said ok we’ll after your  day in school, this is back when I’m in middle school, he said you’re not allowed back in the house until you get ten new clients for the weekend and he was serious about it. I would literally after a whole day of school have to go door-to-door and even go to the same doors if I had to and get them to sign up a car washing you know where I would drive to them, will one story short the business … last me for 5 years. By that time I was 16, I was published on all these local magazines. I was hiring my brothers, my friends, really building a business on the foundation of just going out there and getting customers. I didn’t worry about setting up a website and I didn’t worry about market. I didn’t worry about all this stuff that a lot of business owners I currently work with, get wrapped in. I just worried about going out and exchanging value, exchanging that dollar value. So, that was kind of my first experience in entrepreneurship. Fast forward a couple years, you know I went to Florida State University over in Florida and I got three degrees and I kind of lost touch with my entrepreneurial side. At the time, I remember all my friends and all my colleagues they were really trying to get an internship or trying to get the job and I actually tried to start another business and I just miserably failed. I add a serving job at the time. I graduated, I was depressed. I didn’t know what I want to do with my life, so I sold everything I owned. I traveled the United States going from Florida all the way through the USA, all the way to California, up to Denver Colorado where I had family and I just started from scratch, literally started from scratch. I dived into a corporate job within a few months. Became a sales rep, within six months got promoted to team captain, was trained other sales reps, were interviewing new sales reps. I mean this is a company that again they built their business based off their sales floor and I got to really experience that, been in that corporate job for a couple years, you know it was fulfilling. I learned a time, but the entrepreneurial was eating me. It was just eating me alive. I was like not following my passion, my desires that the things that I’ve learned as a kid you know work for yourself, so one day I remember talking to some of my clients, real estate agencies. I sold online marketing packages to real estate agents and they were talking about winning web design and they were talking about SEO and all this great internet marketing stuff that you know you understand John and I understand and at the time I was actually networking a lot. I was doing all these forums, all these online groups, these blogs, reading blogs like you know the Mic-method, reading blogs like Shone … or tropical NBA and joining these groups and seen all these guys that are traveling the world. I know you’re out in Medellin Colombia right, now for example you know you have an online business and really seen how awesome it was, so I remember I had that aha moment when I was sitting on a phone call with one of my real estate agents and he was literally like, I want SEO, I want a website and I … what you’re trying to sell me and then it just clicked on my … the last six months I’ve been networking with all these web developers and internet marketers, so I just click right there and I said ok well I’m on recorded call, I can’t talk about this, I am on job right now, but let’s connect on LinkedIn. I’ll give you a call later today and that was my first pitch outside of the company and then what I realized, hey I can just sell all these great stuff on my own. I don’t have to work for a company and that’s when I took a twelve-week unpaid leave of absence, started my own venture that was now two years ago and the more and more I dived in to the internet marketing world, the more and more I realized a lot of business owners really need help with the sales side of things. You know you can be a great internet marketer, you can be the best craft person at your craft, but if you don’t know sales you don’t know how to build a sales process, you’re not going to get new customers, you’re not going to bring in revenue and realizing that pinpoint that’s why I’m where I am today and I started naturalsalesteam.com to help business owners on the sales side of things.

John McIntyre:  Okay, one thing I’m really curious about I think other people are going to be curious as well as I even go for so far as I know most people do not like sales, like whether it’s knocking on doors, doing phone calls, whatever that encode emails is hard for a lot of people, so most people have this and not just a bad feeling around like I do want to sell it for sleazy, but it is like literally makes them anxious. It’s really uncomfortable. So, it sounds like you have I don’t know because you started young or you just had a natural sort of natural and really enjoyed. What do you say to people when they that sort of person someone who clearly doesn’t like sale,  they don’t like sales. It robs … and make makes them anxious or whatever. I just hate it. What do you say to this sort of people when you try to get them to not just believe in the power sales, because this is lot I mean  believe in sales doesn’t make you feel any better about it, so how do you resolve this?

David Anderson: Yes and then that’s a great question John. First thing I want to point out is you’re selling yourself every single day. If you really think about it, if you’re trying to get a job interview, if you’re trying to ask a girl out on a date, if you’re trying to get negotiate a deal, if you’re trying to do a podcast right now just getting people, selling people to get interviewed on your podcast right. You are always selling yourself, so it is something that you’re going to need. Now, people that think it’s this big anxious thing that you got a fear and feel anxiety and feel bad about, yeah I get it. There’s a difference between sales people that are the bad sales people that are just trying to get money versus a real sales person that is out there to exchange value. Now, the trick is to look at sales as a way to properly communicate your value that’s all you’re doing. Good sales is really just getting out there and being a Go Giver not the go-getter and I think if you can switch the mindset and realize how powerful it is? How much you can really benefit the world by properly communicating your value, you’re going to have a much better experience not just for yourself, but for the customers you try to reach out too. That’s the first thing I can say. The other thing is well if you know if you totally want to be broken just not make money, you know not get yourself out there, then yeah go ahead don’t bother learning sales.

John McIntyre: Is definitely distinct where I mean if you just … refused to do sales then you’re not going to get very … in business. It is a skill you need, so this is interesting  aspects of where I mean if you want to sales, sometimes like when you just getting started you going to need with some of the stuff yourself, but at a certain point you going to be able to hire sales people to do this stuff.

David Anderson: Exactly!

John McIntyre: The sale is I mean that take me a little I understand sales is very different entrepreneurship. Sales is sort of like a technical skill, much like going in you know building a table or writing emails and a copywriting. It’s sort of like taking skills. Designer fulfill a very specific task and entrepreneur on the other hand while sales is a very useful skill for an entrepreneurialism or being much more required sort of much more of a general … where you can do a little bit sales, but you cannot hire someone do that sales as soon as you got some momentum.

David Anderson: Yes I totally agree.

John McIntyre: So, let’s give you this story that we mentioned with how you took your client from 2 grand a month to 20 grand a month. So, tell me a bit about obviously we’ve get a bit of it before and not today, but give me bit more information on who was this client and why you know what was life like when he was only a $2,000 a month.

David Anderson: Yeah and it’s interesting you just brought out the whole you know separating sales and then eventually hired a sales team, because that’s what exactly this story per trace imperfection, that I remember when I you know I left corporate and I’m out here doing websites and doing internet marketing. I teamed up with another guy who’s doing similar things. His expertise was more graphic design, videography, photography, doing web design, doing more the artsy type of things to the creative side; versus I kind of have more of the copywriting sales consultant type of mindset, like how do we do conversions? He’s talking about how do we make it look pretty? How do we make it look beautiful? How do we show the story in a creative way? So, you can imagine the personality type of this guy very artsy, creative. He’s the type of person that would rather spend his day really making something look beautiful versus going out there hustle and building a business system, right. So, I noticed this immediately, right. He was much unorganized when it came to his packages and as you know John it’s very important to have these structured products or packages, privatize services, whatever you want to call them and introduce it to your market if you want a consistent amount of customers, consists amount of revenue. So, that was one of the first things we tackled, you know this guy is literally pulling in just a couple thousand dollars a month. You know maybe a worthy freelancer rates. He was I want to call him a freelancer. He had some team members and stuff like that, that he worked with, but he didn’t really have a business system, but he dreamed, he’s the perfect client right, because I love working with the guys that are so passionate, that are so skilled at what they do and they have those big dreams, you know they dream big, but they just need help with plugging some of those tactics, some of those processes, right. So, the first thing we did was let’s package your services, right. So, if you’re doing video, let’s create these video packages and then raise the rates. I remember he was trying to sell web design for example: I think for like less than a thousand bucks when really in our market I discovered these people paying ten to fifteen thousand to I know developers that charge a hundred thousand up, so the price point wasn’t there, so I think after organizing those packages and what I call making your product more sellable, easily chewable, so that if he goes into a sales presentation he can now, the way I like to describe it instead of saying okay this is like some complicated marketing data that I’m selling you, I want the business owner that you’re trying to sell. I want it to be no different than if he walked into a restaurant and ordered a cheeseburger, he could pick all the toppings, so a hamburger that the type of meat, that the cheese, the baked in, the lettuce tomato, onions, these are the toppings I want. I want your presentation to be that simple that someone walking in and they feel like they’re ordering a cheeseburger. So, that’s just one technique right, making it chewable, making packaging those services, making it easily digestible.

John McIntyre: Right, very cool, ok and how is step one?

David Anderson: So, the other thing, actually that’s step two, step one is learning sales, right. The first step is actually I go through three step process right, its first learned sales. You got to learn techniques like you said learn the crack like building a table. Ok there’s certain things to say on a call to really trigger someone’s emotions, to really dive in deep versus just …  and just coming off as needy. Ok there’s a difference of just talking about yourself v/s truly selling someone and asking smart questions. So, that’s step one. Step two is building your sales process, making it more sellable. Step three is scaling, building that sales team motivating other businesses or other sales reps to go out and preach your product. So, we talked about step 2, step one is learning sales ok, so one thing I noticed with Carlos is that Carlos is the business owner right that I helped. He would go into sales meetings and he would just yep, he was a good talker, he was good at just had been people up, he knows how to smooth people, he can have a good conversation, he can sit in a sales meeting for two hours, but when it came to close he was not closing the deals. He was not asking the right questions, so the first thing I said, well you got a qualified lead, you got to make sure that they have the budget. You got to make sure that they can make a decision, they have a need or interest and that they have the urgency that this person truly needs what you have and he need it right away and they can afford it. So, what I would do is go through, I actually sit down with his meetings. He would say oh this is you know this is my president of sales, this is my sales consultant you know here to help with the meeting and we were just dive in and I would just analyze and I would just listen the whole time and then after it I would give own notes on how he can improve better. So, that was the step on learning sales.

John McIntyre: Okay, okay and then so what happen; I mean this is result to this. I … we get the 2 grand or 20 grand in six months, but walking through some of the changes just happened or does he implemented some of these strategies?

David Anderson: He literally transformed. I mean to this day he still calls me. I mean this is now over a year ago, you know I hope this guy within six months I’ve been working with him for about a year and a half and he still call me this day be like oh! You know like telling me about a sales pitch that he just did, so what I’ve notices when he gets into a sales call whether it’s a sales meeting in person or does a consultation and he’ll pitch packages anywhere from 3,000 to 20000. I think he’s even pitched a couple six figures. I don’t know if he’s closing those big, big ones, but he is at that level now. He’s completely just switched. He uses the sales tactics. He asks engaging questions and he’s not scared task for the sale. I think a lot of business owners, a lot of people out there; they are just scared to ask for the sale.

John McIntyre: Absolutely, I mean this is one thing I was working with some of reasoning. I mention this particular deal right now with a prospects really and we all shouting to, I’m going with actually another sales guy, the sales coach for some of my stuff and remember … the pricing and the pricing for this deal is like made five figures. I remember when … ask me how do I build up this price and the interesting thing was he said you don’t even maybe you’ve got a different icon, but his advice was like it’s a non-issue. So, go through the presentation slides. Mentioned the price and then just move on to the next slide just another detail in the whole thing and then the slide, the thing after the spot where are you in the price is basically a little spiel on, here is the payback period, so if we set this whole funnel up for you, here’s how long, he’s how many sales you can have to make before you actually recoup your investment start turning a profit on exact thing and the way it’s all framed up is he’s going to make money very, very quickly. So, it’s interesting that the price I’ve always looked, I struggle with this nine months ago, I started work with another guy, John Logo has been on this broadcast for to refine some of the sales process, because I was really having trouble like putting a large number, large price on my services, because I think a lot of people dramatically undervalue what they’re offer. They don’t know what the true value of what they’re offering is and it’s so funny because once someone tells you what it’s worth or tells you what the market’s paying you can actually get it, but there’s still such a strong emotional resistance to going out there and saying look it’s going to be $10,000 when you say a 1000.

David Anderson: Yes!

John McIntyre: Yes and I … chatting another friend who I met at gym who’s a personal trainer and he also does some Instagram consulting. He is basically got someone right now who wants to hire for some paid consulting. He never done it before, so he’s got no idea what to charge and he asked one guy and the guy said will charge you know charge 100 bucks an hour and he was like wow that’s a lot of money and I spoke … like man you should be charged at least 250 bucks an hour for this and I could see in his body language, in his face at the time it was sort of like it wasn’t going over his head, but it was definitely like a shock to his worldview that he doesn’t get it yet and I don’t know how long will take you know we all have our own journeys to take, but it’s so funny that I think is people price activate some like when it comes to charging in mentioning the price of how much something’s going to cost, most of us have this weird with this really strange emotional hang up with it.

David Anderson: Yes, yes we do and the biggest advice you know because I deal with a lot of business owners that are growing, right. So, there continuously increase in their price, so the first thing I would say is right that price down. I mean you know put it on your website; put it somewhere that it’s displayed no different than if you went to McDonalds right. You went to the fast-food place and you looked at the cheeseburger, you saw big sign outside and it said $0.99 or you can go through the drive through and just look at the guys and say look can I pay $0.80 you know. No the price is $0.99 and begins on a bigger scale even if you know you don’t have a website or you don’t have anywhere to display it, write it down. Write down the sentence you know my so and so product cost whatcha say $10,000 or $100,000 or $5,000 whatever that price is, write it down in a sentence and solidified. I think once you solidify and say this is the price, you’re going to come off more confident, because the second you say a price and you don’t have that confidence, you stutter that other person is immediately going to notice it versus if you own it you have it written down, you state this is my price right and own it and say it confidently. You’re going to have a much different conversation with this person, and if you did a good job stating your value, for example you say ok you’re going to make this money right away you know do an auto responder like you were just talking about John. If you see the value, they’re going to do what it takes to find the budget even if they don’t have the budget; they’re going to find a way to pay for it. It’s no different then you know example uses when think of the last thing that you really wanted to buy, something that you just had to have, maybe was a car or maybe you know if you’re internet marketers the Mac Book you know a lot of internet marketers as specially travelers location independent nomads love their Mac books and I guarantee you they couldn’t afford that Mac Book right away. They might have to save up or pull out a credit card or ask their parents for some money or figure out a way if you really properly communicate that value and really show that you mean business. That price should not matter. That person should struggle a little bit when you say that price and that’s a good thing.

John McIntyre: Yeah I mean it’s like a game like how this works out at times when I mention the price on the phone and not had as far as I know, maybe I am wrong, but I would have to mute the microphone, so that I could basically … like live, I would be for the … like so much tension in emotional tension when I said the price I have to mute because then I just burst out laughing to myself, I can’t believe I just said that.

David Anderson: That is a really good technique. I did that back when I was in corporate. The second you say price you need to shut up and if you have to mute the mike do it, so I actually love that technique, that’s exactly what you should be doing.

John McIntyre: I thought it was interesting too when I was chatting about how to put together this pitch deck which is basically a Google presentation with the details of the proposal and then at the end he was like when you say the price you get the silent close which you see .. the price, then you shut the hell up you have to say something and then he was actually saying we don’t do that, what you do is just say the price like it’s another detail, like it’s any other detail on the … here is the price, you selling it and take, here is the terms conditions like when I initially paid by like that, alright next slot, you don’t even wait for questions, you don’t wait for anything then you go straight to the next things, you treated the way is to basically cultivate this. I think trigger will you don’t want like someone like if I treat the process big deal or if the person when your pitch not treat the prices though to a big deal. The person you’re talking to is going to think it’s a big deal.

David Anderson: Exactly, they are going to pick up on it.

John McIntyre: Exactly! Yeah!

David Anderson: Yes exactly you need to be able to just say it and again that goes down to have it written down, so whether that’s on a present date, presentation deck, whether that’s on your website or you literally just write it down on a notepad just to have that price down and just to keep saying that price until you confidently can say it.

John McIntyre: Yeah, So with all that I didn’t … this whole topic absolutely fascinating, but so with all that said, so we talked about like taking the client from 2 grand to 20 grand a month and six month, so let’s just sum up that what are the main, let’s just run through the techniques, what did you do with this guy as a summary to take you from 2 grand a moth to 20 grand a month for 6 months?

David Anderson: Definitely, so step one learning sales, you got to go and you got to ask good questions. You got to know how to qualify a lead right and those are all things that I cover. I even offer that stuff for free. On my website I tell people how to qualify elite right. There’s certain things you got to figure out. Building report right, that’s all about knowing sales, knowing how to really tap into someone, asking good questions. If someone tells, I would rather a business owner or sales rep. Write down a list of questions, very engaging questions, maybe ten to twenty questions v/s writing a sales script, because what you find in sales is it’s all about listening. It’s all about getting the other person to open up. So, that’s the biggest advice I can give you when it comes to learning sales, ok. Step number two was building the sales process. That’s when we actually sat there, looked at all the products and packages, price them higher. We actually price them higher, but then organize them. Let’s say package A, package B, package C, we mean them. I think it was if I remember right the Pioneer package, the executive package, the elite package, you know we came up with these cool names, something that was very relatable to the customer. We were selling because the customer we were selling doesn’t understand all this internet marketing stuff, how to develop a website or do anything. They just want results. The thing is customers, they just want results, don’t focus so much on the product or the service, and focus on the results. Focus on what you can deliver and I think when you have that type of conversation return on investment if you’re doing business to business sales, if you do an auto responder, you really need to dive into return on investment. I would be talking about that probably the majority of the call when you’re in need of a conversation. Having those sales scripts, again you can have a script, building a list right. Having your target market knowing who you want to reach out to ok, knowing your perfect customer and how do you reach out to him, so build your list whether you are cold calling them, cold email them. LinkedIn is a great tool; we get a lot of customers that way. We literally just find business owners we want to talk to and we connect with them on LinkedIn. Have a picture of yourself, so it’s a little more personable than an email so whatever you can do to build your list and reach out to that list, that’s all about building your sales process and then step three is scaling, right. This is where once you build that sales process; once you build that list you build that script. You come up with basically a systemize process that you can replicates and hire other people to do the same, now you have scaled it and then you as a business owner can step away. So, as far as the scaling you know you want to be able to have that script written down. You want that list, you want that process, the emails, everything that you do in order to get those customers in the door and then you want to come up with a good compensation plan. You know whatever percentage you know a performance space plan where every time this rap gets the lead or closes a deal, you’re now paying them and they’re motivated to continue to bring in business.

John McIntyre: Yeah, one thing on the beat of Bayside, this took me a long time to get is I get on the phone with people and I’d never ask them what their current revenue was, how much money they make .. customer, what their profit margin was, all you know how much all they are doing? I used to think was like a personal question that people are really want to give away that information and some of them done and some of them won’t give you that information, but generally speaking most people happy to talk about that, especially when they’re getting on the phone to talk to you about some sort of business problem and so that the catch is that unless you know how much their revenues is and what their profit is, how much profit margins, the size of the database, how much volume and sales. Do you know that information? You literally shooting in a dark need of price, because if you don’t know that information you’ve really had no idea where they can afford $5,000 a month or $10,000 so whatever happens, the price … to be, so you have to and you know by the same talking you might be quoting them $5000 a month, when they really wanted to be spending $25,000 a month or even maybe more and so there’s this one thing that I learned it’s made a huge difference of the last six months is now one of the first things on doing I get on the phone with someone, they told me about their business. I get him to tell me about the numbers. So, how many sales they’re doing, what’s the revenue per sale, what is the profit margin you know how many sales they are doing every month, and then I can basically look at it go alright, so based on all these numbers. We set up a campaign right here. If we increase this by 20% you’re going to get very specific terms. You’re going to get X amount of dollars return on this and therefore if the … like hundred thousand dollars ready, exact with a price, $15000 to set it up and then you can say look based on these numbers you’re going to make your money back in three weeks. So, 15 grand is really not a big deal, it’s like the… change at the other day.

David Anderson: Yeah, so what you’re talking about? Sorry John yeah what you’re talking about right there is qualifying the lead, you’re qualifying to see what is in their budget, because I have been there too where you go and you asked what their budget is and then you find out wow it’s actually a lot more than I thought and now you feel much more comfortable v/s if you’re talking to business owner and they’re like ok I’m making, I’m just starting, I’m making a thousand bucks a month, you know you are not going to be able to sell them at $50,000 or $10,000 product on auto responder, so what you’re talking about John is qualifying that lead, really discussing about budget if a business owner is not comfortable about it. Just from my experience I found one or two things. One I’m not building enough for poor. I’m not getting them to trust me, but two this is what I usually I see. It’s they’re not a good business owner. They’re not serious. If they’re not willing to talk about revenue when they’re talking to someone that’s going to help them, bring up their revenue, then it’s probably not the type of client you want to be working with. So, I would say every single call if you’re doing business to business sales, you need to talk about return on investment. You need to talk about what they’re pulling in and there are so different ways to ask it. You can simply just say how many customers are you getting per month? How many customers would you like to get per month? Ok what’s the average price per customer and now you just got the revenue without directly asking him what the revenue is.

John McIntyre: You can also do it whether there’s a roundabout way to do like that. Where …  like this price where a lot of times like if you act nervous, so you act like it’s a big deal when you’re asking for the revenue. They’re going to think it’s a big deal as well. If you just ask a matter of fact you ask everyone this, it’s just a matter like and I use to say look just to get an idea of what you know, what level you have with the business, what’s the revenue and to just prevalent like look, before I can help you, I need to know exactly where you are at? It’s the million dollar company that requires a different approach with your $10,000 company.

David Anderson: Yes and if you are because you keep on  saying bring up a very important factor that people are going to pick up on the tone of your voice. Is not what you say, it’s how you say it. So, in order to fix that, in order to improve how you talk about price or how you bring up a question right, just you have to prepare, you have to, if you have to role play, I get a lot of people that go through my courses, I get them to call each other and literally pitch each other. I get business owners to pitch me all the time and what that does is it helps them just get it out, and get much better. They get much more comfortable to the point where they get into that sales conversation and they don’t even think about it. They’re just doing what they already know, so preparing role plan and just getting it down is going to really help the confidence, the tone of your voice when you are asking those questions, when you are on a sales call or sales meeting.

John McIntyre: 100% alright, so I think we are right on time. So, let’s wrap it up. I think it’s a good note to end up, but before we go, let’s just touch real quickly on this how to sell better in 3 days? Can you like let’s say three, what are the three biggest tips to sell better?

David Anderson: Yes definitely, yeah so I actually wrote a guest post about I work with a lot of business owners that you know they’re just starting off. They have a lot of trouble when it comes to sales like you mentioned they might even hate selling. So, I literally wrote this whole post about it, writing a book about it as well: how to sell better in three days, even if you hate selling, right. So, the first tip that I can recommend to people you know something that you really should be working on is building your prospect list ok, building your list, getting contacts and there’s a difference between a cold call v/s warm call. I like to call them warm call. I like to create campaigns that start a warm situation versus just calling someone out of the blue that you never talk to, so what do I mean by warm call? You can go to a networking event and get a list of people. You can join a meet up or some type of forum or some type of group and if you can get all their contacts, now when you call them you can say, hey by the way I’m part of this group as well, so for example one of the best call campaigns we’ve ever treated was joining a local chamber of commerce and what we do is we called business owners and say hey we’re calling, because I noticed you are member of the Chamber of Commerce, so are we and we’re offering all other members a complimentary consultation. You don’t know we just chat about, you know why did you join the Commerce? Why did you join the group, you know what are you trying to get out of it and then we dive in saying, hey would you like a complimentary consultation by the way? We’re going to review your entire marketing platform. We’re going to see the low-hanging fruit that you’re missing out on these opportunities to get more customers. Would you be interested in a 30 minute consultation, totally free, no obligation to buy, it’s all educational and so far every time I’ve gotten a hold of a business owner I’ve got a hundred percent of them to say yes to that because how do you say no to that? You know we’re going out there, reaching out to the same group. So, that’s a difference of a warm call. Other ways to get warm calls is to find people on your LinkedIn connections, expand your LinkedIn network, go you know find people that you already know, friends, and family, past clients and ask for referrals, you should always be asking for referrals and what you’re doing is you’re building up what I call a prospect list, ok. So, that’s tip number one is to really understand how to build your list and there’s a lot more things that I dive in a little bit deeper, but that’s kind of the tip of the iceberg. Step number two, day number two: I like to use, I like to say this well use … mind tricks on the phone. Alright, I’m not really trying to trigger and manipulate anyone, however what I will really teach you is, how to tune into the one radio station that everyone is tuned into? Do you know what a radio station that is John?

John McIntyre: Yeah!

David Anderson: WIIFM, heard of that?

John McIntyre: Yeah, I know exactly what you talking about.

David Anderson: What’s in it for me? Yes, everyone is walking around, 99% I’m thinking about it, so in order to do that it’s going back to writing those list of questions. Writing down engaging questions and you need it right down open-ended questions, not closed-ended questions. So, what’s the difference of an open-ended question? Open ended question is saying for example: how did you get your business started, right and now you’re going to have that person, that prospect elaborate. Oh! Well I started you know back in you know ten years ago and they elaborate v/s saying something did you get you know versus ok here’s a closed ended example, have you been in business for a long time? Will the prospect can immediately just say yes or no and then just you don’t open them up. You see the difference in open-ended and a close ended question.

John McIntyre: Yeah!

David Anderson: Yeah, so that would be day 2 as I talked about is really figuring out how to type into what’s in it for me? Ok building reports in another way. You know start up a conversation casual, you know dive in and say how was your day today, you know small talk a little bit and genuinely try to get because people buy from people that they like. Figure the last time you bought something from someone. You probably like the person. You didn’t absolutely hate them otherwise you want to buy from them. So, in order to do that you got to build report. You got to really just keep it light, keep it fun, keep it casual, and relate to the person because bottom line is yes you’re in a sales meeting, but we’re all people. We are here to connect, we’re here to have fun, we’re here to just understand each other and I think that’s a very important thing to consider, ok. So, that’s a day two that I go in day 3, … for the close. You got a qualified leads and you got to ask for the same. You got to ask things like what’s in your budget, are you the decision maker? Can you make a decision on this, right and then you got to ask for the sale. It’s such a simple thing that we were talking about earlier John, but people this is where they choked up you got to just say and there’s a couple ways you can say, you can say things like let’s move forward with this proposal or are you ready to get started? You know it sounds like you really going to, you truly going to benefit from XYZ, let’s do this. Why not give it a shot? Just this legal of just asking for the sale and then overcoming any type of objections that they bring up and continuing a conversation and closing that deal.

John McIntyre: Exactly, I love it. Now, you’re a wealth of knowledge, this is good.

David Anderson: Glad to hear it man. Yeah I’m open some of the people in your audience right now are listening and can take some action. The one thing I can tell anyone that is listening right now, I mean literally put down what you’re listening to, none of this is going to work if you don’t take into action, so what I would say is if you’re struggling you just go out there and make a phone call. It’s so much when you’re a business owner especially, so easy to procrastinate, like call one person today, as soon as you’re done listening, call the first person you can think of that you think you can create a salesman. You have to sell them right there and then but say hey I like to set up a meeting and talk a little bit more about me. Ask him, don’t say I don’t want to talk about my product or service, say hey I want to talk about you. I want to see what you’re doing right now for your business. I want to see what you’re doing in your life. Let’s talk about that. Does that today, take action!

John McIntyre: Homework! Before we get David, if people want to get in touch with you, they want to learn more about you, I’m so there’s going to be someone, a few people, a whole bunch of people maybe who would like to talk to you about consulting, one on one training and coaching and also for some of these services and products as well, so where’s the best place for them to learn more about all that stuff?

David Anderson: Yeah, so I do one on one consulting. I actually do group training as well, online group training, so a little bit more affordable and I make it very team oriented, and it’s very fun. I really love and I really understand the power of a team. You can do so much better. Then, I have a community, right. So, I’ve all of these different products and services up to my one-on-one consulting if anyone’s interested actually can give you a free training video. If you go to my website nitrosalesteam.com back / free ok, so that’s nitro, NITRO sales team dot com back / free and I’ll give you a free training video on how to qualify lead in under 10 minutes.

John McIntyre: Perfect, all of links to that on the show note at the micmethod.com. David! Thanks for coming on the show man.

David Anderson: Yeah, thanks John, it’s been a pleasure.

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